Saturday, November 28, 2015

Full, Fuller, and Extremely Thankful

Hey y'all, hope you had an amazing holiday weekend full of loaded carbs and food comas. I spent my thanksgiving preparing stuffing, drinking way to much spiced cider and stuffing my face with my mom's famous mac and cheese! Thanksgiving also is a special time in my family because my grandmother always makes her homemade bread and it's the best part of the holiday! Nothing smells quite as delicious as rising dough. Here's a picture! ( the missing rolls were my fault, I couldn't wait for dinner to try one)

I also asked my friends to share some of their thanksgiving spreads check them out!

While the food is always fabulous so is the time spent with family. Looking back at the Thanksgiving holiday it gives me a time to stop and really think about all of the things I am thankful for. Friends, supportive parents, an amazing boyfriend, my faith, my creative passion, and an able body that lets me pursue my dreams. I am also grateful for my blog and all that it has allowed me to do! I can't wait to share with y'all my MarlyLilly representation (post to come soon)! Regardless as we enter the holiday season it is easy to get caught up in the materialistic portions of it all, but we should all remember to count our blessings!

Thanksgiving brings a grateful spirit in the air, let that spirit carry you through the holiday season!
Happy Holidays!

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