Wednesday, May 20, 2015

That Moment You Realize You Have To Much Stuff And No Place To Put It...

Its time to purge, and I mean really purge.
Finals are over and I'm back home for a couple weeks before an internship.
While moving out of my dorm and into my new townhouse ( pictures to come soon), I realized I had way way way too much stuff. I'm taking about memorabilia that has forgotten memories, duplicates of makeup and sprays that I don't use, clothes that shrunk in the wash, and random clothing that I told myself "I'll wear it to a costume party". Well that party never happened and I still have a pile of clothes I never wear. So its come time to purge my life.
Here is how I started:

<---( This is my new Chevy Equinox, Stuffed with maybe 1/5 of the stuff I brought home.. I have a problem)

Probably the easiest to go through,

If I haven't worn it in a year I either donate it or try to take it to Clothes Mentor or Platos Closet to grab a couple bucks.

I go through my current season hanging clothes, then my drawers. Next, I tackle the scary bins under my bed holding gosh knows what... like my old dance costumes I haven't worn in seven years.
Finally its time to look at my shoes and purses, I'm pretty good with dwindling these down as I go, so this task was easier.

Mascara goes bad, lotion gets gross, and how many eye shadow palettes does a girl really need?

I had one too many clinique palettes that I don't  use, so I tossed them. Make sure to go through your eye products! Expiration dates that have passed can cause the product to produce an eye bacteria that can cause inflammation when applied.

Sprays, Lotions
How many bath and body works body sprays do I need? answer... maybe one

They are cheap and over bearing, I prefer one musky vanilla scent that I wear year round,  and  Marc Jacobs Daisy & Clinique Happy perfume. So everything else? Gone!

Unwanted bedding:
Bigger bed means a bunch of sheets  I don't need: Time to toss those!

Electornic clutter:
Victoria Secret and Pottery Barn email me four times a day...

I went through my inbox and organized everything into folders and trashed all of the unnecessary stuff.  This was a huge relief and  a super easy way to calm my OCD tendencies. Have you ever used unroll me? It's a great website that trashes all of those email subscriptions you don't want anymore! Try it!!!

How do you purge your unwanted belongings?

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