Wednesday, February 11, 2015

DIY Valentine

So Valentines day is approaching and personally diy gifts are my favorite for this holiday. After birthdays, Christmas, and anniversary's I'm usually all out of gift ideas. So for Valentines day I turn to something a little more from the heart and a little more crafty.
Here are some personal favorite DIY ideas:

1. Countdown to Valentines Day

I did this two years ago. Leading up to Valentines Day I had fourteen different gifts all with something punny. It gets your gf/bf something to look forward to each day. Drew was always excited to see what was next.

2. Man Bouquet/Bucket

Filled with things like cigars,candy,little notes,and Hershey kisses, this can be a fun comparison to a bouquet of flowers

( I actually did this for our 3 year anniversary 2 years ago)

3. Things "I love about you"

I've done this as well but adapted,I used a deck of cards and wrote 52 different things I loved about my boyfriend. You can also write it in letter format or put it in a jar like this one....

4. Date Ideas

I think this was one of my most favorite DIY's I wrote 50 different date ideas on pop-sickle sticks and then whenever we were stumped we would go to the date jar!

5. Dinner in and a low key night

Last year we got bombed with snow around Valentine's Day so driving wasn't an option. So Drew and I ordered in takeout, dressed up, and had a nice dinner together in my apartment. It was such a relaxing and fun valentines night. If I had more time to plan I would have made dinner for him something that anyone appreciates... a nice home-cooked meal.

What are you doing for your special someone this year?

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