Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year...... New Me! ...........Well The Same Me.. Just Improved

all jokes aside! Happy NEW YEAR! Okay well I'm five days late but whatever:) As I reflect on my passing year I look at some of the great things that have come from it.
                                                                        1. The Practical Prep
I never thought blogging would be so soothing.. but it is and its such a creative outlet. Starting The Practical Prep was just gonna be a fun way to share my thrifting finds,but I found it to be a outlet for emotions and an intro to the blogging networking universe.. Trust me its such a big world and I didn't realize what I was getting myself into. 

2. Drew
Not to get all mushy gushy on everyone but my four plus years with this guy have been pretty awesome and 2014 was probably our best year. He has helped me through so much and has been my rock and support system through a lot of bumpy roads. I am looking forward to 2015 and hope that our relationship only strengthens over this next year.

3. Friends
This year I was lucky enough to gain two really great friends in my life. Going through hardships really separates your real friends from those who just surround themselves around you. I am very fortunate enough to have met some amazing people. Real friends are treasures and ones that should not be taken for granted. EVER. 

4. Dance
I am always grateful for this wonderful art form I am a part of. 2014 was an awesome year. I got to work under Robert Battle and Mark Morris and perform on GMU's main-stage. This was a special blessing I will never forget.

5. Clothes
Where to begin... well 2014 has allowed me to take a step back and value the awesome staples in my wardrobe and help me to identify my true style. I've realized that its not about how many you have but more what they say about you. I have good strong staples in my closet and I've come to appreciate them more than ever. 2015 will surely bring some awesome finds, and you better believe you guys will be the first to know!

My new years resolution is to be better about blogging. In the last  month I got overwhelmed and lazy and this year I want to have a scheduled day where I blog and post to The Practical Prep in a routine manner. 

What are yall's new years resolutions?

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